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Palliative Advocate: Frequently asked questions
  • What is Hospice?
    Hospice is a program of health care and services designed to meet the special needs of patient and their loved ones in time of crisis and terminal illness.  back to top

  • Can Hospice Make a Difference?
    Yes, Hospice care can dramatically impact the amount of pain and suffering experience, providing quality time to live comfortably and fully, with privacy and dignity, in your own home or care facility. The expectation is that the dying individual will have the opportunity to prepare for a death with dignity and peace.  back to top

  • Who Provides Care?
    Care is delivered by a team of professionals who address the patient's needs on medical, physical, emotional and spiritual levels. The team consists of the patient Attending Physician, hospice Medical Director, Registered Nurse, Home Health Aide, Social Worker, Chaplain, and trained volunteers.  back to top

  • How is Hospice Care Started?
    Help is only one phone call away. The patient's attending physician, the patient, a family member, friends, clergy, social worker, hospital discharge planner or any person concerned with a patient's well being can make a referral. Call us and we will contact the patient's physician for approval. Services can generally be started within 24 hours.  back to top

  • What are the Criteria for Hospice care?
    Eligibility requirements for Medicare and Medi-Cal Benefits will be determined when a patient meets the following criteria: 1) The Patient has a limited life expectancy; 2) Curative measures have ended and the focus is now on physical, emotional, and spiritual comfort; 3) The patient's physician authorizes hospice care.  back to top

  • Who Pays for the Hospice Care?
    Hospice care is a covered benefit under most private insurace plans including HMO's and managed care organizations. In addition, hospice is a covered Medicare benefit, and in California is Medicaid benefit Private Pay Arrangements can be made for those who qualify. Hospices also rely upon community support for both donations and volunteer staff.  back to top

Why do falls happen?

1) Person is weak, tired, or ill

2) Person is not physically fit

3) Person may have problems seeing

4) Medicines may cause weakness, sleepiness, confusion, or dizziness

5) Slippery or wet floors or stairs

6) Obstructed pathways

7) Darkess or bad lighting.

How to reduce your risk of falling

Take care of your health

  • Exercise regularly. Exercise builds strength.
  • Prevent dehydration. Dehydration can make it easier to lose your balance.
  • Have your eyes checked. Make sure you do not have any eye problems or need a new prescription.
  • Talk to your doctor if your medicine makes you sleepy, light-headed, sluggish or confused. Ask how to reduce these side effects or if you can take another medicine.

Take extra precautions

  • Turn on the lights when you enter a room. Do not walk in the dark.
  • Make sure your pathway is clear.
  • Use the handrails or staircases.
  • Sit in chairs that do not move and have arm rests to help when you sit down and stand up.
  • Wear shoes that have firm, flat, non-slip soles. Do not wear shoes that do not have backs on them.
  • Replace the rubber tips on canes and walkers when they become worn.
Small Changes Than Can Save Your Life!
  • Install timers, "clap-on" or motion sensors on your lights.
  • Use night lights in your bedroom, bathroom, and hallway leading to the bathroom.
  • Keep the floor and stairs clear of objects such as books, tools, papers, shoes, and clothing.
  • Remove small area rugs and throw rugs that can cause you to slip. Rubber mats are good replacement.
  • Put frequently used items in easy-to-reach places that do not require using step stool.
  • Make sure your bed is easy to get in and out of.
  • Apply non-slip treads on stairs.
  • Apply non-slip decals or use a non-slip mat in te bathtub or shower.
  • Install grab bars near the toilet and the bathtub or shower.

A home care agency, personal care and support agency, or community program may be able to help make changes to your home if you live alone and need help.

Bridge of Care
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